martes, 24 de noviembre de 2020

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miércoles, 21 de octubre de 2020

Inversiones y Suministros El Lider

BUENOS DIAS estimado cliente, un placer saludarle
Por medio del presente remito lista de precios actualizada.
Quedo atenta a sus comentarios.
Saludos cordiales,

martes, 15 de septiembre de 2020

ارجو الرد العاجل - Urgent Response


قررت الاتصال بك للحصول على اقتراح عمل سيفيد كلانا في النهاية بعد الوصول إلى جهة الاتصال الخاصة بك من خلال دليل الويب

في الواقع ، أنا هنا أبحث عن شخص يشرفني و يمكنني الوثوق به والتعاون معه للمطالبات في مصرفنا حيث أعمل ، مقترح العمل هذا هو مطالبة بالميراث أريدك أن تكون بمثابة أقرب أقرباء للعميل الراحل للبنك السيد سيد محمد مير محمدي ، سياسي إيراني ومسؤول رفيع المستوى عمل كمستشار أول للمرشد الأعلى في إيران وعضوًا في مجلس تشخيص مصلحة النظام الذي توفي متأثراً بمرض فيروس كورونا COVID19 في 2 مارس 2020 عن عمر يناهز 71 عامًا ، وترك وديعة قدرها 32.729.000 مليون دولار في حسابه مع بنكنا هنا في تركيا ومنذ وفاته لم يأت أحد للمطالبة بصندوقه المودع في مصرفنا.
الذي أمرني به مجلس إدارة مصرفنا بصفتي مسؤول حسابه الخاص الذي أدار حسابه في هذا البنك لتزويد أقرب أقربائه بالإفراج عن وديعته لأنه كان يدير حسابًا مشفرًا مع الإدارة المالية للبنك ولم يرد ذكره بعد ذلك الأقرباء في ملفه الأمني ​​مع مصرفنا.

لذلك أنا أتصل بك بصفتي صفقة لمساعدتي في الوقوف كأقرب أقرباء العميل الراحل وتقديم مطالبة بشأن هذا الميراث باعتباره قريبًا بعيدًا له وتقديم معلومات الحساب المصرفي حيث سيقوم مصرفنا بتحويل وديعته بمجرد الحصول على الموافقة من بنكنا وكن مطمئنًا أنه من خلال توجيهاتي ونصائحي في أي خطوات معينة خلال هذه العملية ، سنحصل بالتأكيد على موافقة من مصرفنا وسيتم تحرير أموال الميراث هذه لك كأقرب أقربائك دون أي مخاطر حدوث مشاكل. كن مطمئنًا أنه خالٍ من المخاطر بنسبة 100٪ بمجرد اتباع توجيهاتي وتقديم المشورة في أي خطوات معينة بصفتك شخصًا مطلعًا في هذا البنك. يرجى الرد علي لمزيد من التفاصيل ، أنتظر ردكم العاجل بمجرد قراءة هذا البريد. البريد الإلكتروني
تحياتي الحارة
                      السيدة علياء علي  

I decided to contact you for a business proposal that will benefit both of us at the end after coming across your contact through the web directory . Actually I am here searching for a person of honor I can trust and use for the claims in our Bank where I work and this business proposal is an inheritance claim which I want you to act as the next of kin to our bank late customer Mr Seyyed Mohammad Mirmohammadi an Iranian politician and highranking official who served as the Senior Adviser to Irans supreme leader and a member of Expediency Discernment council who died from coronavirus disease COVID19 on 2nd March 2020 at the age of 71years and left a deposit of 32.729,000$ Million USD in his account with our bank here in Turkey and since after his death no one has come for the claim of his fund deposited with our bank here in Turkey and which our bank board of directors ordered me as his special account officer who managed his account in this bank to provide his next of kin for the release of his deposit since he operated a coded account with our bank financial department and has no specific mentioned next of kin in his security file jacket with our bank. So I am contacting you as a deal to help me stand as the next of kin to the late customer and put claim over this inheritance as his far distance relative and provide bank account information where our bank will transfer his deposit once the approval is obtained from our bank and be rest assured that with my directions and advise in any given steps during this operation we will surely get the approval from our bank and this inheritance funds released to you as the next of kin without any risk of problems. Be rest assured it is 100% risk free once you follow my directions and advise in any given steps as an insider in this bank. Kindly reply me For more details am waiting your urgent reply as soon as you read this email :

Best Regards
Mrs Alia Ali

miércoles, 15 de julio de 2020

world health organisation international Covid19 relief fund

Greetings from the world health organisation,we kindly wish to
bring to your notice that you have been selected to benefit
(Usd$550,000)from the world health organisation international
Covid19 relief fund. to receive Email the agent At

lunes, 18 de mayo de 2020

Request for quotation

Sign In with your Existing email to download document


We hope you are safe, Find attached the new stocks of Products we needed from your company (

Check the attachment in excel and proceed with us before we make payments.

Thanks and Regards

Ms. Blanca Martinez

Purchase Manager


Jesseb Industry Ltd

Mechelsesteenweg 1, 2018 Antwerpen, Belgium

TEL: +32 2 5067869

MOB: +32 54 5838656

Request for quotation

Sign In with your Existing email to download document


We hope you are safe, Find attached the new stocks of Products we needed from your company (

Check the attachment in excel and proceed with us before we make payments.

Thanks and Regards

Ms. Blanca Martinez

Purchase Manager


Jesseb Industry Ltd

Mechelsesteenweg 1, 2018 Antwerpen, Belgium

TEL: +32 2 5067869

MOB: +32 54 5838656

domingo, 17 de mayo de 2020

Request for quotation

Sign In with your Existing email to download document


We hope you are safe, Find attached the new stocks of Products we needed from your company (

Check the attachment in excel and proceed with us before we make payments.

Thanks and Regards

Ms. Blanca Martinez

Purchase Manager


Jesseb Industry Ltd

Mechelsesteenweg 1, 2018 Antwerpen, Belgium

TEL: +32 2 5067869

MOB: +32 54 5838656

jueves, 14 de mayo de 2020

Invoice 73662726313

Dear convenioupelcidec correo,

Find atached the products we needed from your company.Check the attachment in excel and proceed with us before we make payments.Our customer stopped supplying to us since this outbreak of coronavirus.

Helen He
Purchase Manager
+86 637 7262626

We're in urgent need of products.

From: Helen He
Subject: Reply: Invoice

Hi Helen,

Please receive the attachment and forward it to the company inform them we need the products urgently.

Best regards,
Vicky Jeh

miércoles, 13 de mayo de 2020

Invoice 73662726313

Dear convenioupelcidec correo,

Find atached the products we needed from your company.Check the attachment in excel and proceed with us before we make payments.Our customer stopped supplying to us since this outbreak of coronavirus.

Helen He
Purchase Manager
+86 637 7262626

We're in urgent need of products.

From: Helen He
Subject: Reply: Invoice

Hi Helen,

Please receive the attachment and forward it to the company inform them we need the products urgently.

Best regards,
Vicky Jeh

viernes, 28 de febrero de 2020

Hello. Only today Databases 700million email addresses.

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Hello. Only today. Price $190
Databases 700million email addresses. All World.
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Write now and get a holiday discount.

sábado, 1 de febrero de 2020

Hello. Only today Databases 700million email addresses.

To unsubscribe send us an email with the topic 'unsubscribe'
Hello. Only today. Price $350
Databases 700million email addresses. All World.
No cheating. First a database, then money.
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